A Bangalore based 56 year old engineer intends to launch flying car. He intends to use the insect paradigm other words create a birds fly without the vehicle top flap wings. The Unique selling proposition of the flying car is that it can take off and land vertically and can be retro fitted to any present car. “We have to rescience the technology and create a platform which we can milk for the next century,” said Vishwanath, a graduate of electrical engineering from BMS College of Engineering.
Glenn Curtis of USA was the first one to get the flying car concept patented in 1917. Vishwanath claims he can recreate the airflows of over 20 insect species, allowing an object to cruise, hover, stall and take off.His creation sits in the hubs of car wheels. He is readying his concept to be showcased at Aero India 2015 to be held in Bangalore in February next year.
In the mean time next month Aeromobil of Slovakia plans to unveil the first production – ready flying car, which is anticipated to be launched at $279,000.